Businesses have a responsibility to maintain pest free environments for their employees and customers. Having a monthly or Bi-monthly service will fulfill that need or requirement. But do you need it? Some types of businesses, those that deal with foods or medical supplies for example do have provide pest control measures.
Most Basic plans are enough, they provide external service, internal in selected areas plus more importantly inspections service. Having that trained set of eyes looking for potential problems is vital in heading bigger issues off before they become bigger issues. Most importantly most local and state ispectors are satisfied with basic plans.
Inspections are vital in determining what is needed and what is not. Many times a habitat modification can fix or prevent most problems. Inspection is the key to all pest control. Determining what is needed will prevent us from performing service that are not needed.
Service frequency is determined by the extent of the problems and or needs and the possbilities of future forseaable problems.
Conditions change, rodents migrate, weather conditions change bringing different problems. Companies change at different times of the year, when its hot doors are left open for ventilation allowing insects and rodents entrance into the building. New or changes in structures can leave buildings vulnerable to pest problems. Basic Pest Cotnrol Plans can change and ICI Specializes in making those changes as needed.